Living Balanced: The Power of Saying Yes

When I started really putting work in to bring my idea of Perfrm to light in November, I was ready to put in two to three hard long years. I had a plan for when I would run out of my money to bootstrap, to grind. I even moved to cut my personal expenses to a third of what they were in San Francisco. What I wasn't ready for was the amazing things that would happen all because I keep saying yes. 

Perfrm is a lot of work, there's no denying it, it's like neutering a newborn baby. I literally never want to take my eyes off of it. Since January some extraordinary opportunities have come my way.  Things that were on vision boards and lists that I thought would come five years down the road. I believe when you put good into the world it comes back to you. I also decided to say "Yes" to many things in the last six months. 

In January I was approached by a friend of a friend who works at a publishing house. She asked me to write a book. I said yes, thinking it would be a sales book. Then she asked that the book be about pushing through loss and depression to chase my dreams and create a company. I said no, I'm not ready to tell that story, losing my best friend is something I can't relive yet. Then she asked again and asked if my book helped one other person move forward in their journey of grief, would I feel like it was worth telling my story. Of course I said yes at that point! Well reliving my friendship with Hannah through writing about our 25 years of adventures and Jr. High together, was everything and not hard at all. 

Last month I was approached by a friend to do a sponsored podcast on their company's platform. Again I was hesitant but I said yes. A podcast is something I have been wanting to do and had no clue how to start or where I would find the time. With help of a company who puts them out daily I could definitely do it. 

Then just this past Monday, an amazing human being who recently came into my life asked me to part of something so much bigger than myself. My soul screamed yes, in the way it had in September in the Safeway parking lot in Oakland, when I wrote down the ideas for Perfrm on the back of receipts and napkins. I couldn't even think of saying no. We are forming a new corporation, a B Corp and I can't wait to share more about it with all of you.

I'm sure you are wondering if I sleep and how I'm going to pull all of this off. Well I assure you I am sleeping more enough for my health and my body.

My Plan to Get it All Done and Keep Perfrm a Priortity:

Grow Perfrm: I am hiring two new people at Perfrm; a co-founder to be my other half and a sales strategist to help with our consulting clients. We have grown faster than I could have imagined and hiring at this point is exactly what we need to continue this momentum.

Get Organized: I'll be working with the amazing Alyssa Coleman to organize my schedule and make sure nothing is neglected and we are able to get it all done! If you need an organizational goddess to help you check her out!

Automation: It's time to start paying for some tools that are going to help me and Perfrm stay on task and get you everything you need. If you receive too many emails or something seems off please always let us know. Implementing these tools can be a little bit of a "see what works" game.

Get Picky: Over the last few months my inner circle has started to change. Some friends have fallen off and I've added people who are doing BIG things with their lives. Your inner circles shape who you are and who you become. Be cautious of who you let in and don't be afraid to push some people out.

Stay Active: You all know by now that fitness has become a very important part of my life. I've even decided to go for the 1000 lb club! Goal date is 6/1/19, I'm currently at 680lbs. Staying active doesn't just mean lifting and as little cardio as possible. Getting back into a routine with yoga will also begin when I return home next week. 

Keep Being Me: It is so easy to get wrapped up in the excitement that comes from all of this. I say be excited but remember who you are. I found myself using filters on every picture, worrying about how to get more followers on ig and who I was posting pictures with. Remember at the end of the day, you are still you and what feels right in your soul and heart is what is important. This is not the best picture of me but I feel like it is very true to who I am. 

Saying "yes" hasn't only brought amazing opportunities and people into my life, it has also forced me to get organized, bring good people into my life and get serious about my health. Please let us know what saying yes has done in your life!


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